After starting out the month very creatively dry, I am working on redefining my art goals for the year.
I’m not promising they’re gonna grasp my attention all that much, but it feels good to try some new things.
After taking a diversity class that made me question my depiction of people of color in my art a little bit (good intentions, but a bit exhibitionist, and ignorant), I wanted to figure out how to make my subjects interesting since I generally find white people subjects to be difficult to depict because they’re sSususuUUupeerrrRRR boringggg, I realized one of the best ways to branch out with my subjects is to depict something that is definitely underrepresented: bodies like mine.
Girls that get asked if they’re pregnant all the time. Bodies you don’t see represented in “love my body” campaigns.
I can’t wait to see what creative directions I can go with this topic.

I depicted myself again in this little dood that’s a shout out to all the introverts around who would rather stay in their houses and drink coffee and cuddle with pets.

I’m slowly chipping away at my artist’s block, but I can’t promise that’ll mean getting back into Dumping a Dragon. I still like the art, sometimes, but…yeah I dunno.
More next month I’m sure!