I tried to force it on darker stuff but it didn’t work, so I started a drawing yesterday to practice on fine lineart and ended up putting a line from one of the new Fall Out Boy songs in it BECAUSE OF COURSE
The new All Time Low album comes out in TWO. HOURS. and then the new FOB album comes out next Friday and I. CAN’T. AHHHHH
Like literally how could they do this to me I’m not going to emotionally be able to handle myself O.O

Mm okay so I ordered a print of that painting I did of Andrew a few weeks ago and didn’t wrap my head around the dimensions and
it turns out I ordered a POSTER SIZED PRINT of him ahhahhaha I love it and it’s really intense
My office has an A-frame ceiling and I posed with him tonight and then found out how creepily he lines up for a bad under-chin selfie with me so, you know. Weird times. Bit surreal. My handsome gay.